Monday, February 1, 2010

Heyy you guys!
It's been a while I guess, but just a update on our classwork, which hasn't been a lot due to fieldtrips on the ONLY day we have technology or the power just isn't letting us learn. Poor us... Anyways! we have started to look on architecture for humanity and I think it's interesting to see some of the projects that the architect that we're specifically looking on is doing. His name is Cameron Sinclair and we got to see a video of some of the things he did for different causes.

First of all, actually, I think a humanitarian architect is someone who builds for the sake of humanity to benefit and help humans who are poor, in bad conditions or generally needs help. I think a humanitarian architect helps anyone, however prioritizes those in need. At least, that would make sense, to me, that even though they have many people who ask for their help, they would prioritize those who really need the help! Humanitarian architects are really important to the world, because when people who have been in a disaster or needs protection, it is really important that a new facility is safe and most of all resistant to most disasters. A good idea would be to make sure that there was a safety room and that it would be resistent to water and wind, which is why hiring a humanitarian architect, who would most likely focus on these factors, is a great idea!

To go back to Mr. Cameron Sinclair, we were told to take a look around his website and find a project that we were inspired by. I would say one project, that I remember seeing in a youtube video we saw, really caught my attention, and that would be the school, where the drain led down to a water tank, where the water would be cleaned and ready to use again. I thought it was caring, nature friendly and very necessary. I can't really create a link to it, but I can display the link on where I found the video on his own webpage. It will be labelled (1) further down.

That would be it for now! Keep checking for more stuff.

(1) - It is the third movie down where it includes the project I was referring to.

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