Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hey again,
forgot an update that needed to be done! So here it is. We had to list some natural disasters, and then choose one that we wanted to research and find resources that we could use for reference.
So I found some really early natural disasters, and I'm just going to mention some and then post the link so if you want anymore then you can look them up.
- Earthquake in Egypt and Syria, in 1201 where approx. 1.1 million people were killed.
- The Black Death (disease) in Europe from 1347 to 1350, where about 25 million were killed.
- Earthquake in Chine, Shaanzi, in 1556, where about 830.000 people were killed.
- Typhoon in India 1737 killed about 300.000 people.
- Famine in India (again) in 1796, killed about 10 million people.
- Volcanic eruption in Iceland, in 1783 killed 25.000+ people in Iceland and caused 25% of the population to starve because of poisoning.
- In US, 1871, there was a forest fire in Wisconsin that destroyed 9 towns and killed 1.500 people.
- Drought in China, 1876 - 1879 killed 9 million people died, due to no water so many things died.
- In Italy, 1908, an earthquake started a tidal wave, that destroyed cities and land, and killed about 123.000 people.
- There was an earthquake resulted in serious landslides in Peru, in 1970, that killed about 66.000 people.
- In West Africa, 1996, meningites broke out and killed about 25.000 people.

Source: http://across.co.nz/WorldsWorstDisasters.html

So these are some of them, and I have decided to do some research on The Forest Fire in Wisconsin, 1871. There is another name for this fire, which is The Great Peshtigo Fire.

5 links that I have for this are:
- http://www.peshtigofire.info/
- http://www.boisestate.edu/history/ncasner/hy210/peshtigo.htm
- http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wioconto/Fire.htm
- http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/dictionary/index.asp?action=view&term_id=10463&term_type_id=3&term_type_text=things&letter=F

p.s. It's a little late, but my internet wasn't working so I had to wait for it to work again.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Heyy you guys!
It's been a while I guess, but just a update on our classwork, which hasn't been a lot due to fieldtrips on the ONLY day we have technology or the power just isn't letting us learn. Poor us... Anyways! we have started to look on architecture for humanity and I think it's interesting to see some of the projects that the architect that we're specifically looking on is doing. His name is Cameron Sinclair and we got to see a video of some of the things he did for different causes.

First of all, actually, I think a humanitarian architect is someone who builds for the sake of humanity to benefit and help humans who are poor, in bad conditions or generally needs help. I think a humanitarian architect helps anyone, however prioritizes those in need. At least, that would make sense, to me, that even though they have many people who ask for their help, they would prioritize those who really need the help! Humanitarian architects are really important to the world, because when people who have been in a disaster or needs protection, it is really important that a new facility is safe and most of all resistant to most disasters. A good idea would be to make sure that there was a safety room and that it would be resistent to water and wind, which is why hiring a humanitarian architect, who would most likely focus on these factors, is a great idea!

To go back to Mr. Cameron Sinclair, we were told to take a look around his website and find a project that we were inspired by. I would say one project, that I remember seeing in a youtube video we saw, really caught my attention, and that would be the school, where the drain led down to a water tank, where the water would be cleaned and ready to use again. I thought it was caring, nature friendly and very necessary. I can't really create a link to it, but I can display the link on where I found the video on his own webpage. It will be labelled (1) further down.

That would be it for now! Keep checking for more stuff.

(1) http://www.cameronsinclair.com/index.php?q=TED - It is the third movie down where it includes the project I was referring to.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Hi guys,

Sorry for not updating for a while. School have been so busy and the vacation came just in time! Well, our PSA's are finished!They took a long time, but I am satisfied with my final product, even though I had to take out a part of it that i really wanted in it. I will try and make a second one, and upload that too if it doesn't take too long, so have patience! Until now though, this is what it looks like, and I encourage everybody to watch it and take the survey afterwards to help me improve! Thank you so much, and happy new year!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yjiw44O8WnM - Link to the video on youtube, as well as the link to the survey.

p.s. I will try to upload the movie unto here, but I'm having some difficulties at the moment with youtube.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Major update!

Hey there bloggers!
It's been a while, but the reason is that we're just so busy! The week after half term we had a UN week where we focused on what UN is and what it does. It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed it. (:
Then we're going back to our PSA's now. the storyboards, scripts, plots and everything else is done. I've planned everything, who i'm having in it and where its going to be. I'm really excited to get started and I hope it'll turn out great and proffesionally. I know its going to take a lot of work, for sure, but hopefully I can get through it.
I hope all my other classmates gets theirs done too, everyone's is going to be awesome and our teacher is going to be so proud, even though she thinks we have a negative attitude, which we really don't, we're just really stressed because everyone is giving us a lot of work. sorry! ):

Done for now, back to science homework!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hey blogger!
So my personal project is finally in place and order and I am fully sure of what I want to do! In technology we are also doing a PSA (Public Service Announcement) So my PSA will be about domestic violence against women, because I think many people are not aware that women suffer from abuse every day and that there are countries where it is pretty bad. My audeince would mainly be for the male parts of the world, but I also want women to see that they are not alone with it. Some of my sources i want to use are organizations and women's point of view on the topic, if they ever experienced it themselves and why they think their partner does it.

That's it for now! see you!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Youtube PSA

Message: This is the first PSA I found, which is about tolerance and how parents should act infront of their children, because everything children see their parents do or say, they will copy it.

Audience: Most parents, who has younger children, but can also do for older children, any race, sex and socio economy.

Technique: I thought having the children tell was a great way of getting the attention of the adults.

Emotions: I was very thoughtful about how much kids really take in from their parents, when they see or hear.

Message: This was the second PSA I found, and it is about how many fathers disappear when children are young, but that they are needed in every kids life.

Audience: Fathers, and other men who are about to become fathers, so the race is any, and sex is male, and it doesn't matter about socio economy.

Technique: To show what a father can do with his child was a great way and to show that without him, the child would not be what it was today.

Emotions: It made me happy to see the child happy about being with her dad.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hurray for Personal Project!

Hi bloggers,
I finally decided what I want to do my personal project on! I decided to do my personal project about Child Abuse in Denmark, first of all because I'm from there, and there are a lot of cases that I've heard about, and second of because it is something personal to me. I've never been abused, but it stands into something more than just a project to me. I'm really excited about getting started, because I'm hoping to get a lot of ideas done! I want to make a song about it, so I can link it with Music, and I wanted to make a public service announcement, and I wanted to tell true stories about survivers. I also know of a company in Denmark which helps teenagers or anyone who has been abused to go on, so I'm hoping to get to link with them and have some questions answered. It really caught my attention because I read on another blog that Denmark and Norway is known, through a dropped-wallet test, to be most trustful, meaning they were the ones who were most likely to give back the wallet, which I think is great, but then again I know that things happen in Denmark and I wanted to make it clear that terrible things happen in Denmark too. Even though child abuse is illigal in denmark, there are still people who are not in jail yet. Also to change the minds of some of the people who think hitting a child to teach it disciplin in ok, is really wrong. If anyone has any more great ideas, please share with me!
Thank you so much!