Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Youtube PSA

Message: This is the first PSA I found, which is about tolerance and how parents should act infront of their children, because everything children see their parents do or say, they will copy it.

Audience: Most parents, who has younger children, but can also do for older children, any race, sex and socio economy.

Technique: I thought having the children tell was a great way of getting the attention of the adults.

Emotions: I was very thoughtful about how much kids really take in from their parents, when they see or hear.

Message: This was the second PSA I found, and it is about how many fathers disappear when children are young, but that they are needed in every kids life.

Audience: Fathers, and other men who are about to become fathers, so the race is any, and sex is male, and it doesn't matter about socio economy.

Technique: To show what a father can do with his child was a great way and to show that without him, the child would not be what it was today.

Emotions: It made me happy to see the child happy about being with her dad.

1 comment:

  1. Penny-

    Thank you for sharing these PSA's - they are very moving. I particularly enjoyed the second one. Good observations and reflections on the message, audience and storytelling technique.
